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| | Afterain Contest
FREE shareware
There is an infinite number of shapes the AfteRain® can turn
only some of them are of interest to us - the symmetrical figures.
And the higher the symmetry rank, the fewer is
the number of figures that exist.
Just create a new shape which is not in our gallery with a symmetry rank more than
1 and you get a prize $50,
or one of real collectible QuadSquad puzzles*:
QuadroCube made from zebrawood
QuadroPrizm made from redwood
Long Beamed Star made from
hard maple
We also announce a
special prize
for The Weirdest Figure Of All Time.
to shopping cart $7.99
Only registered owners of the full version of AfteRain® are eligible
to claim prizes.
* One prize per contestant. While supply lasts. |