Grenade and  Mace interlocking puzzles

 granade1_tn.jpg (2497 bytes)  granade2_tn.jpg (2701 bytes)          mace1_tn.gif (6588 bytes)  mace2_tn.gif (6622 bytes)

  • These frightening lethal weapons are in fact very interesting and unusual descendants of The Gears puzzle.
  • They are each  three-piece coordinate-motion puzzles. They use the same interlocking mechanism as The Gears, but differs by external shape.
  • To assemble you have to put together three parts moving them simultaneously towards the center of the puzzle. As a matter of fact, their parts are interchangeable and can be mixed in any combination.
  • It's a little more difficult to make them than The Gears because they have  beveled edges.
  • The Grenade and the Mace have hollow cubical cavities inside, so to some extent they are Box Puzzles.

        granade_disasmbl_tn.jpg (2780 bytes)                                         mac1_open_tn.gif (6566 bytes)

  • The spaces contain little secrets which makes assembling more challenging.

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