Questions & Answers

  • This page is compiled out of questions I kept getting in the mail recently. Some of them are in fact the ones my friends have been asking me for years.
  • This entire site is about puzzles - what they are and how they are made. And only this page is about - WHY I keep creating them regardless of the profit.
  • You can ask your question right here - it will be answered

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    Q: Why do you make puzzles ?
    VG: Normal life is not enough.

    Q: What is normal life?
    VG: Normal life is: going to work and back, having vacations, buying and consuming products, watching others performing actions.

    Q: Why puzzles?
    VG: Puzzles have a unique combination of necessary features.

    Q: What are the necessary features?
    VG: First: uselessness.
    Second: beauty.
    Third: They are an art.
    Fourth: They are a science.
    Fifth: They are real, tangible, mechanical objects.

    Q: Why is uselessness good?
    VG: Because puzzles have no practical application.
    They are valuable, self-contained objects on their own.

    Q: Why not try to make something useful out of puzzles?
    VG: Puzzles stay meaningful as long as they are useless. As soon as
    one uses a puzzle for a practical application it loses it’s sense.
    People play different toys all their lives and barely get to touch
    anything really serious. Puzzles give them that opportunity.

    Q: What do you mean by toys?
    VG: Pants and houses, cars and computers, boats and furniture, the
    list is lengthy.

    Q: So, all the things normal people consider serious, you call toys,
    and such obvious playthings as puzzles you consider serious?
    VG: That’s right.

    Q: How come?
    VG: Because all so-called serious things are in fact methods.
    A house is a mean of dwelling, a car is a mean of transportation, and
    so on.
    Puzzles ,on the other hand, are self-meaningful.
    When you hold a good puzzle in your hand you in fact touch the very
    inner soul of the Universe.

    Q: What do you like most about yourself?
    VG: I am capable of creating new meaningful objects. It’s not my
    achievement, it’s my luck, I was born with it. And I am very grateful to the Lord for that.

    Q: What do you dislike most about yourself?
    VG: When I talk about puzzles I get too dramatic sometimes.

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